
Tomas Meinen has decades of experience as an entrepreneur, founder, co-founder and advisor to a wide range of technology companies. In addition to extensive management experience and profound practical know-how in areas such as business, technology and product development, he has extraordinary competencies in the field of strategic analysis and planning methods. Until 2000, Tomas Meinen was the president and CEO of a machine and plant engineering company, which he had founded in 1985. Under his management, the company became the worldwide market leader in manufacturing technology for smart cards, with representatives in more than 80 countries and an excellent reputation for innovation and quality. His innovations in the smart card industry made him an internationally recognized pioneer in the field and have crucial influence on the market up to the present day. In 1997, he initiated the trade sale to an industrial strategic investor and completed the integration into the corporate structure at the beginning of 2000. In 2001, Tomas Meinen founded TMC Partners with the aim of promoting outstanding innovations and business concepts in the context of new technologies. Tomas Meinen holds a range of advisor and supervisory board mandates within the industry.


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