
  • Do you develop new technologies?
  • Do you require new technologies to implement visionary product concepts or product innovation?
  • Are you in the process of developing new types of technology-based business models?
  • Do you finance technology companies?

If any of these questions apply to you, you might want to have a talk with us. Just contact us here: contact form or

Our customer structure includes:

  • Managers from the established industry responsible for introducing new processes and products
  • Research and development departments in the industry requiring feasibility evaluations in early phases of technology
  • Spin-offs from companies and research institutes requiring support in implementing their business models
  • Young companies in more advanced development phases on route to market establishment and internationalization
  • Outstanding founders launching a new company
  • Research institutes interested in a quick and successful commercialization of development results and new technologies
  • Manufacturers of products requiring new technologies to achieve visionary product concepts

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