Substantiated analyses are the prerequisite for qualified decision-making. We systematically develop comprehensive analyses about all aspects relating to markets, companies and technologies. We do so both within the framework of complex strategy projects that we perform ourselves or on behalf of partners who require analyses about selected topics, e.g. for a due diligence review in the investment process or in connection with mergers and acquisitions (see also information under Expertise).
Analysis topics from direct practice include:
Business & markets
- Industry structure
- Opportunities and risks
- Success factors
- Industrial environment
- Industrial outlook
- Markets and market segments
- Substitution risks
- Technologies
- Trends and scenarios
- Competition
Company & business model
- Influencing factors
- Business model
- Core competencies
- Supply chain
- Portfolio
- Processes
- Resources
- Strengths and weaknesses
- Strategy
- Total cost of ownership (TCO)
- Distribution process
- Value chains
- Target groups
Knowledge & property rights
- Property rights and IP portfolios
- Freedom to operate (FTO)
- Key competencies
- Knowledge identification
- Knowledge evaluation
- Knowledge exploitation
- Knowledge creation
Innovation & technology
- Industrialization risks
- Feasibility
- Technology maturity
- Predictive profitability and risk analyses