Expert reports

We investigate corporate potential and analyze whether business ideas are feasible and business plans viable. In doing so, we not only rely on our extensive practical and expert knowledge, but also apply our special validation methods, for example for risk and sensitivity analysis.

With our detailed and road-mapping reports, we create the basis for well-founded decision- making and provide concrete guidance and recommendations for action. With these, we enable our clients to evaluate opportunities more accurately and can proactively counter present and future challenges.

Our analyses and expert reports are the basis for decision-making for entrepreneurial action. In them, we reveal courses to take and assess the alternatives – both at operating and strategic level. We include all business sectors and aspects in the process: from technology and management through production, procurement and market to organization and financing. Not just companies, but also investors and banks call on our analyses and expert reports, for example for technology and feasibility assessments or for due diligence in equity investment business.

We prepare, amongst others:

  • Due diligence assessments
  • Feasibility studies
  • Impact analyses
  • IP and patent evaluations
  • Core competency assessments
  • Market valuations
  • Technology assessments
  • Trend analyses
  • Company analyses

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